Proctology by the women, for the women


Many women must experience that feeling “hmm…something wrong with my buttocks…”.

It might be after stomach flu or unexpected constipation. Either your hormone balance, work related cause; sitting or standing whole day, carry heavy things etc. Of course, pregnancy and child birth could be a trigger.

It might be just a temporary pain and forget about it quickly, or you suspect it could be a hemorrhoid due to the constant pain/uncomfortableness.

Proctology is one of the specialty within general surgery. Even if you know this already, still you hesitate to visit the clinic, don’t you?

I saw a lot of patients who has been ignoring her symptoms for years and finally came to the hospital because her pain became unbearable. But why? It is because she hates hospital? or embarrassing? or…??

Here are our strengths compare with other clinic/hospitals.

Sapporo Female clinic;               Others;

*All female staff including doctor. →   *Not sure

*Only for female patients.       →   *Not sure

*Various choices for booking. →   *Limited choices for booking if you stick to a female doctor.

I hope our strengths motivate you to visit proctology for early treatment if you feel something wrong with your buttocks. Don’t be troubled by yourself.


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