Reconstructive mammoplasty



It is a method of surgery to rebuild the shape of women’s breast with self tissue or an artificial implant after removing all or part of a breast for treatment of the breast cancer.

In Japan, only self tissue transplant has been covered by national health insurance for long time but since July 2013, artificial breast implant has been covering as well.

It is possible to have reconstructive mammoplasty surgery and mastectomy at the same time(immediate breast reconstruction).

If not, you can have it after adjuvant postoperative treatment (delayed breast reconstruction).

It is already a big shock to be diagnosed with breast cancer,and if it is revealed that mastectomy is the best method as your treatment for removing cancer,the psychological impact and inconvenience in your social life will be bigger.

Women daiagnosed breast cancer can raise future quality of life by reconstructive mammoplasty.


I want more people know this method not only breast cancer patients and their families but also who think they are unrelated to breast cancer.


by Akiko