Won’t you have a “breast cancer screening” on Sunday?


We are going to carry out a first time “Sunday breast cancer screening” on May 10.

It is also a Mother’s day in Japan.

Breast cancer screening rate is relatively low in most of Asian countries including Japan.

One of the barrier could be “busyness”.

Some of my friends told me that is not easy for them to take even a half day off for the examination.

Then we decided to open every Tuesday night until 8:00PM.

And also open on May 10 from 9:00AM-17:00PM for women have no time to have the screening on weekday.

Plus, I believe that family member can play a key role to motivate women to go to a clinic having a mammography and ultrasound examination for her family before it’s too late.

I know it is a small step but hope this Mother’s day become a cue to raise awareness about a breast cancer screening for women and their family members.

So, why don’t you send flowers for your mother with a message how much you care about her and encourage her to have the screening on Mother’s day?